Our AI streamlines your tax return for a fast, friendly experience.

  • AI goes beyond numbers

    We uncover hidden deductions you might miss.

  • Stress-free tax lodgement

    Get personalised guidance from our friendly AI chatbot.

  • Effortless pre-filling

    Seamless ATO integration auto-fills income and deductions.

  • Fort Knox security

    Your data is safe in our impenetrable fortress.

  • Maximise your refund

    AI intelligently categorises expenses for optimal savings.

  • Track your refund in real-time

    Direct ATO integration keeps you informed.

  • Lodge on the go, anywhere

    Our intuitive interface makes it simple.

  • Save time and money

    Maximise your Tax Returns with our advanced AI.

Dreading Tax Time? You’re Not Alone.

Tax season is often synonymous with stress, confusion, and late nights spent buried under paperwork. While the promise of a tax return might hold some appeal, the process of getting there can be a nightmare.

Privacy and Security

Traditional methods often leave you wondering about the security of your financial information. LodgePro prioritises your privacy with robust safeguards, ensuring your data is always protected.

Expense Tracking

With LodgePro's seamless expense retrieval, you can easily connect your bank accounts through secure Open Banking APIs, automatically pulling in your expense details for effortless deduction claiming.

Traditional Methods

Traditional filing methods are time-consuming and can lead to missed deductions. LodgePro's advanced AI technology automates calculations and ensures accurate categorisation, maximising your tax return.

Solution from us

Tax season shouldn’t be a source of stress. At LodgePro, we’re revolutionising the way Australians handle their taxes with a powerful, user-friendly online platform launching soon.

LodgePro offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to make tax time a breeze, including:

  • Advanced AI Technology

    Unleash the power of AI with our intelligent classifier. It ensures precise categorisation of your income and expenses, maximising your deductions with unmatched accuracy.

  • Unmatched Privacy

    Rest assured, your sensitive financial data is always protected. LodgePro prioritises privacy with robust safeguards in place to secure your information at every step.

  • Effortless Tax Return Submission

    Skip the stress of manual filing – submit your tax return directly through our secure platform, fully integrated with the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

  • Seamless Expense Retrieval

    Easily retrieve your expense details directly from your banks through seamless connection using Open Banking APIs, ensuring accurate tax deductions.

  • 24/7 Support, Powered by AI & Experts

    Get the best of both worlds! Lodge Pro utilises a combination of AI-driven chatbots and certified CPA tax experts to provide one-on-one support. Our chatbot guides you through common tax-related queries with ease, while live experts are available 24/7 via chat for more complex situations.

Powerful Features for a Stress-Free Tax Return

Tax season shouldn’t be a struggle. With LodgePro’s innovative features, filing your return becomes a breeze! Imagine:

Maximising Your Return

With AI that uncovers hidden deductions and automates the process for maximum savings.

Effortlessly importing transactions

Through secure connections to your bank accounts, eliminating manual data entry and ensuring accurate deductions.

Saving Time

With pre-filled income information from the ATO, thanks to our seamless integration.

Getting instant answers and personalised support

24/7 from our friendly AI assistant. It's like having a tax expert in your pocket! And for complex questions, connect with our team of qualified CPAs directly through the platform.

Enjoying complete peace of mind

With a meticulous review of your return by our expert team, guaranteeing accuracy and compliance.

Here’s How We Put You First at LodgePro

At LodgePro, we believe in making taxes simple and stress-free. That’s why we go beyond just software – we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to prioritise your needs and ensure a smooth, positive experience. Here’s how we put you first:


Personalised Assistance

Our AI-powered chatbot provides instant answers and connects you to certified CPAs for complex questions. Get the help you need, when you need it.

Effortless Convenience

Schedule appointments, submit enquiries, and access expert advice – all from the comfort of your home.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Maximise your return with our AI Classifier that accurately categorises deductions and offers personalised recommendations based on your situation.

Fair and Flexible Pricing

Our transparent pricing plans scale to your needs. Pay less if you have a simple return or skip advanced features for a lower rate.

Unmatched Security

Rest assured, your data is protected with industry-leading encryption and secure data centres located within Australia.

Dedicated Team

Our team of tax experts is here to guide you every step of the way. We prioritise your satisfaction and ensure a smooth, stress-free experience.

Be the First to Experience Tax Lodgement Reimagined!

Our revolutionary tax platform is coming soon, and we want you to be part of the launch! Join our exclusive waitlist and:

Unlock Early Access

Be among the first to experience our innovative features and maximise your tax return.

Stay Informed

Get notified the moment we launch and receive exclusive updates and tips. 

Simplify Your Taxes

Ditch the stress and paperwork – join the Lodge Pro waitlist and get ready for a smoother tax lodgement experience. 

Secure your spot today!


Your Tax Lodgement Questions Answered

  • What is LodgePro?
    LodgePro is an Australian tax lodgement platform that uses AI to simplify your tax return and maximise your refund.
  • How does LodgePro save me time?
    LodgePro streamlines the process with features like auto-filled income, AI-powered deduction categorisation, and an instant-answer chatbot.
  • Is LodgePro safe and secure?
    Absolutely. We use industry-leading security measures to protect your financial data.
  • Can I lodge for multiple tax years with LodgePro?
    Yes, LodgePro lets you lodge past returns so you can catch up easily.
  • How does your AI go beyond calculations?
    Our AI helps you uncover hidden deductions you might miss, maximising your return.
  • How does your chatbot help with lodgement?
    The chatbot provides personalised guidance throughout the process, answering your questions and making tax lodgement easier
  • Is LodgePro compliant with ATO regulations?
    Yes, LodgePro is fully integrated with the Australian Tax Office and ensures compliance with all tax laws.
  • How can I get early access to LodgePro?
    Join our waitlist to be among the first to experience LodgePro's innovative features and secure your spot for a smoother tax lodgement experience!

Our Tax Experts are YourSuccess Team



Our team holds prestigious certifications like CPA Australia and The Tax Institute memberships, guaranteeing in-depth knowledge and industry credibility.

Dedication to


From IT specialists building cutting-edge technology to tax advisors ensuring compliance, every team member is passionate about delivering a seamless and successful tax lodgement experience.



Rest assured, you'll receive reliable and innovative solutions that empower you to maximise your return, all backed by our team's expertise.



Our team holds prestigious certifications like CPA Australia and The Tax Institute memberships, guaranteeing in-depth knowledge and industry credibility.

Powerful partnerships. Seamless Experience.

We’re thrilled to announce our dynamic collaborations with industry titans shaping the future of financial technology


Cutting-Edge AI with CDAC, La Trobe University

LodgePro leverages the expertise of CDAC and La Trobe University’s AI research to develop cutting-edge AI models. This translates to the most accurate deductions and insights for maximising your return.


Secure Data Access Powered by Basiq

Our partnership with Basiq, a leading secure financial data platform, ensures your information is retrieved seamlessly and securely. Basiq’s secure API platform simplifies the process and gives you peace of mind. 


Streamlined ATO Connection Thanks to Fujitsu

Fujitsu’s partnership with LodgePro ensures a smooth and secure connection with the ATO. This translates to a faster and less error-prone tax lodgement experience. 


Brand and Design by Ideas Marketing

Designed and developed in collaboration with Ideas Marketing, LodgePro boasts a user-friendly interface and captivating brand. This makes lodging your taxes a breeze, even for those unfamiliar with complex tax forms.

Together, we're revolutionising your tax experience.